Choose the right grade level

If you're not graded and you haven't competed before, you can email us a video or mp3 of your playing and we'll help you select the correct grade.  Our competitions are graded in the North American system of solo grading.  The only exception is the P/M Alasdair Gillies Memorial Challenge events, which are divided in to age groups.

Solo Piping, Side Drumming, Tenor Drumming
Beginner (practice chanter or drum pad/table top)

Grade 5
Grade 4
Grade 3
Grade 2
Grade 1

Bass Drumming
Novice (Grade 4 & 5)
Intermediate (Grade 3 & 2)
Advanced (Grade 1 and Open)

For solo competitors using the Australian or New Zealand grading system, here's some help in selecting the correct grade.

Novice:  (Learner)
Grade 5

D Grade:  (Elementary)
Grade 4

C Grade (Sub-Intermediate)
Grade 3

B Grade (Intermediate)
Grade 2
A Grade (Open)
Grade 1